Why do some co-workers never get sick?

Not all heroes wear capes and, for some reason, never miss a day of work.

Why do some co-workers never get sick?

It's true some office workers never take sick days. You have to wonder why some people are immune to viruses or sickness bugs while others get sick very infrequently and others get sick every other week. Is it possible for someone to continue working while still being ill but never admitting it or expressing symptoms?

When the complainers and whiners who dislike their employment and the company for which they work are still present and have a consistent track record each year. You'd think that these people would occasionally call in sick because they despise their jobs so much. They, however, do not. They are always on time and whine about how difficult things are and how their boss forces them to meet ridiculous deadlines. They believe they are never allowed to advance or be compensated financially.

If these people are poor performers, they can at least claim that they attended every day without fail but did nothing or very little.

It also doesn't help when a company starts awarding staff with a signed certificate from the CEO or a cheap box of chocolates for a full year's attendance. How many different viruses are these heroic maniacs bringing into the office every day?

It doesn't seem fair to be imprisoned in restrooms and conference rooms with these people, and you can bet they'll want the office windows closed because they're feeling chilly, ensuring the viruses remain alive and free to spread from host to host.

Why would you want to work a year without taking a sick day? Consider how many days you spent at the office with your nose running, coughing up your lungs, eyes bloodshot, and feeling nearly exhausted. Who will be interested in this incredible accomplishment? Your boss? Their boss? The CEO? What if they all resign before the end of the year?

Even if they have a strong memory of you being a reigning champion of not being absent, they are unlikely to care. They may mention to their new employer that they worked with this employee who never took a sick day while working for them for five years, what a sucker.

Consider yourself to be the person who is never sick and is up for a promotion, only to be defeated by someone who is sick at least once a month. What if you worked for a corporation for five years with no absences just to be laid off?

Heroes don't go to work every day to sicken people. True heroes spend several days off sick to recover from a sneeze or a migraine. By staying at home and having fun, these people are protecting the workforce.

Is it acceptable to call in sick to work even if you are not ill?
Of course, it is! You’re a company employee, not a martyr.

The frequent cough is another major irritation. Someone in your immediate vicinity in the office who decides to have a coughing fit that lasts an eternity while you are on a call or trying to focus on composing an important email. If you have something caught in your throat, that's a different story. Get some water. However, if you have a chest infection or another potentially fatal sickness, you should evacuate the building. HR should be permitted to send down two workers in hazmat suits to accompany this horrible bacteria fest into the carpark, but instead, let's give them a reward certificate downloaded from the internet and signed by the CEO congratulating them on not missing a day off work.


Employees who bring viruses into offices should be penalised instead of awarded. Employees who don't and stay at home should be further awarded because they care about their fellow colleagues.