7 ways to deal with the quick favour co-worker in the workplace

Why is it that some co-workers always ask for favours?

7 ways to deal with the quick favour co-worker in the workplace

It's normal to want to support your coworkers and operate as a team, but managing your personal workload and duties is as crucial. Setting boundaries and outlining expectations may be beneficial if a coworker routinely requests favours that consume a lot of your time or effort.

Here are a few things you could try:

1. Communicate your availability: Let your coworker know if you are not able to take on additional tasks or projects at the moment but if you don't want to face any confrontation then fill your calendar up with made up meeting requests for the month and say that it will be impossible to do any favours even if you wanted to.

2. Set limits: Consider establishing a policy for yourself, such as only agreeing to help out with favors that can be completed in a certain amount of time.

  • Perhaps making the odd coffee won't be too much of an ask.

3. Offer alternatives: If you are unable to take on the favor yourself, you could suggest other resources or people who might be able to help.

  • "Have you tried asking my micro managing boss, he can do anything and everything apparently?"

4. Be direct: It can be important to be more direct if a coworker keeps requesting favours despite your earlier communications. You might use something like this "I'm sorry, but I can't be of any assistance. I need to concentrate on my own work because I have a lot of other obligations."

5. Set boundaries: It's acceptable to do so and let others know what you are and are not comfortable doing. For instance, you might say, "I'm pleased to assist when I can, but I currently have a lot of other commitments, so I can't take on anything extra."

  • "Also, I'm at the stage now where I'm about to keel over and die as my boss is incapable of carrying out any tasks whatsoever".

6. Seek support from management: If you are feeling overwhelmed or like the favors are impacting your ability to do your job, it might be helpful to speak with a manager or HR representative for support. They can help you establish boundaries and find ways to manage the situation.

7. Consider the relationship: If the coworker asking for favors is someone you are close with or consider a friend, it might be worth having a conversation about how the favors are impacting your relationship and finding a way to move forward that works for both of you.

" Please don't talk to me anymore or make eye contact. Leave me alone".

Remember, it's important to be respectful and professional in these situations, while also taking care of your own needs and responsibilities.